Calve Classica Mayonnaise Jar 450ml
Calve Classica Mayonnaise Jar 450ml
Prepared with simple and natural ingredients such as sunflower oil, vinegar and eggs, the most traditional of the Calvé Classic Mayonnaise is the most loved by Italians and excellent for flavouring any dish, from the most classic hard-boiled eggs to delicious sandwiches.
Popular throughout Europe, perfect for every dining table, barbecue, picnics, salads, chips and more. Made from pure ingredients including free-range eggs, oil and vinegar. Calve mayonnaise not only tastes delicious, it is rich in omega-3 too! If you're not converted yet, you will be once you taste it!
Sunflower seed oil (70%), water, white wine vinegar, pasteurised EGG yolk (5%), salt, modified starch, thickener: xantham gum, concentrated lemon juice, flavours.
Without conservatives.