Crodo Lemonsoda Zero Can 330ml
Crodo Lemonsoda Zero Can 330ml
Quench your thirst for authentic Italian flavour with Crodo Lemonsoda Zero! This bubbly beverage delivers an explosion of zesty lemon taste without any added sugar. Made with natural mineral water from Crodo's pristine springs, it's a delightfully refreshing option.
Free from artificial colours and crafted with Crodo's natural mineral water, Crodo Lemonsoda Zero offers a clean, crisp base that perfectly complements the vibrant lemon flavour.
This soda offers various refreshing choices, enjoy it as a pick-me-up on a hot day, perfectly paired with your lunch or dinner for a refreshing taste sensation or create delicious sugar-free mocktails.
Natural mineral water "Fonti di Crodo-Lisiel", lemon juice and concentrated lemon juice (12%), dietary fibre: polydextrose, natural lemon flavouring, natural flavourings, carbon dioxide, lemon pulp (0.05%), sweeteners (E952, E954, E955), acidifier: citric acid.
About Crodo:
Founded in 1886, Crodo is a well-established brand with a strong reputation for quality and authentic Italian taste.
Crystal-clear mountain springs nestled high in the Italian Alps, naturally filtering water for 30 years is the magic behind Crodo, a brand that bottles the pure essence of the Italian mountains cape for your refreshment.
Crodo prioritises quality by using natural ingredients and avoiding artificial colours. This commitment allows the pure flavours of the water and fruits to shine through, offering a refreshingly authentic taste experience.